- What type of computer are you setting up? 您要安装哪种类型的计算机?
- What type of computer are you looking for? 你想购买哪种类型的电脑?
- What type of computer? We have three very popular models. 什么类型?我们有三种非常流行的样式。
- What type of computer sends request to another computer for access to its data or resources? 哪些类型的计算机对其他计算机发送访问数据或资源的请求?
- What type of house would you prefer to live in? 你喜爱住哪一类房子?
- When you think that they all have to be put into exactly the right location, and some of those files might need to be changed depending on what type of computer you have, it all gets very complicated. 当你以为应该要把它们安置在一个精确的位置时,一部分文件却可能由于你电脑的类型而需要更改时,所有的这些将变得非常复杂难解。
- I'm unfamiliar with this type of computer. 我不熟悉这种类型的计算机。
- What type of accommodation are you looking for ? 您想住什么样的客房?
- What type of compact car do you have? 你们有什么样的小型车?
- What type of error is similar to the above? 哪种类型的误差和上面的相似?
- What type of model are you interested in ? 您喜欢哪种车型的车?
- What type of SME financing is needed? 中小型企业需要什么形式的筹措资金?
- What type of anesthesia will be used? 将用哪种的麻醉?
- This type of computer is an industrial standard. 这类电脑符合工业使用水准。
- What type of medium-size care do you have? 中型车你们有哪些车种?
- This new type of computer is cheap and fine. 这种新电脑价廉物美。
- What type of heating do you have? 你们用什么供暖?
- This type of computer is obsolescent. 这类计算机是快要过时的。
- What type of car did you want, sir? 先生,你想要什么类型的轿车?
- A router is an example of what type of device? 路由器属于以下何种设备?